Combined Ticket

Combined ticket in Šiauliai City

A Combined ticket now has become even more convenient and is coming to ŠIAULIAI!

To promote sustainable mobility and to improve connectivity in Šiauliai, we are offering you to try out A COMBINED TICKET – the combined ticket of the train and city public transport!

It is time to make travelling even more convenient! Unlock Šiauliai with one ticket!

How to use?

Your city public transport ticket will be combined with your train ticket, i.e. it will be valid for 1 hour after you arrive at Šiauliai Railway Station or for the same period before the train leaves Šiauliai Railway Station.

In other words, there is no need to scan the combined ticket in Šiauliai public transport.

How to purchase?

The combined ticket can be purchased on our website or in the "LTG Link" smart app.

Here's a chart for you so you don't get lost!

Additional information

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