Prevention of corruption

Corruption reporting channels

Any criminal offence committed or planned within the LTG Group of companies, possible illegal acts or omissions by employees, abuse of office or other actions that may be indicative of a criminal offence of a corrupt nature may be reported and proposals for corruption prevention measures may be made through the company's established reporting channels:

  • trust line +37052693600; 

Republic of Lithuania Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers

According to the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers, the Whistleblower Protection Channel is used to provide information on:

  • risks to public safety or health, or to the life or health of a person;
  • environmental hazards;
  • obstruction or unlawful influence on law enforcement investigations or the administration of justice by the courts;
  • financing of illegal activities;
  • unlawful or non-transparent use of public funds or assets;
  • illegally acquired property;
  • concealment of the consequences of a violation, impeding the determination of the extent of the consequences;
  • other violations.

Whistleblower Protection Channel

  • it is recommended to submit such notification using this form;

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